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Parenting resolutions? Here’s a few you can make to yourself this 2022 and totally keep…

parenting resolutions

Happy New Year! As parents ourselves we find we aren’t alone when we find ourselves including parenting goals for a brand-new year. As we start 2022 it is important to reflect on the past year and remind ourselves of our good parenting successes. We are often too quick to be critical of ourselves and forget everything we’ve overcome, achieved, and all of the love we’ve given out. With that in mind, here’s a few resolutions that every parent can add to their ever-growing list… Let’s be honest, we’ll all be eating chocolate two days in.

1. Slow down

I know everyone says it, but the dishes really can wait. Every day your little one gets a little more independent, which makes us proud but our heartbreak at the same time. Remember your house won’t always be this messy and your showers won’t always be 20 seconds and half a hair wash, so play, snug, and enjoy it all whilst you can. It’s good for the soul.

2. Take time for YOU

Totally easier said than done but a recharged parent is a happier parent. It doesn’t mean you’re failing to ask for help, or a bad human for wanting a little peace. Pouring from an empty cup is impossible so ensure you lean on a few shoulders this 22.

3. Model the behaviour you want to see

Surprisingly, the best way to motivate those little ones to act in a certain way is to lead by example with yourself. Respect who you are and what you do for them and watch them follow you.

4. STOP beating yourself up

2021 has had its ups and downs, and it’s no surprise that 2022 will too. Repeat after us ‘I’m doing the best I can, and that is enough’ – take this into the new year with you and remember you are the best parent you can possibly be to your little ones. A day is only 24 hours long so if it’s a hard one go to bed and start afresh tomorrow.

5. Cherish the small milestones

Crawling, holding a spoon, standing by themselves and sleeping are great milestones right – but what about the little ones that make your heart hurt? The first time they make you belly laugh, the first time they hold their hand out to hold yours, the first time they tell you that they ‘LOVE YOU!’ – make a note of the little stepping stones to look back on come 2023, we can guarantee it’ll be beautiful timeline to treasure.

What are your resolutions? What will you be doing differently OR keeping the same? Send us a message over on @itsykids for a chance to be featured.

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